- Dr. Ganta Gopal Reddy Horticulture Polytechnic College under an administrative control of Sri Aurobindo Institute of Rural Development (SAIRD) a non-profit, non-sectarian, voluntary and an autonomous charitable organization was established in 1973 by Mahatma Gandhi Lift Irrigation Cooperative Society under society act, 1972 with registered No. 429.
- The institution is dedicated to the social, economic, educational, economic and spiritual development and welfare of farmers, farming community and rural people, particularly the unemployed youths.
- The institution aims at improving the skills of rural people in various vocations through training and field demonstrations. It emphasizes on the realistic and scientific approach to the development of self reliant programmes and community cooperative activities.
- Dr. Ganta Gopal Reddy Horticultural Polytechnic College prepares the students for handling their jobs as a professional. The candidates after completing the diploma courses may build their careers in different sectors of horticulturist, florist, pomologist, agriculture inspector, etc.
- The students are endowed with all convenient amenities that make their life ‘go easy’ in college hours, alongside make learning more interesting. Some of the facilities include well ventilated classrooms, recreational areas, hostel facility for boys and girls, outdoor games, stocked library, seamless internet/wifi connectivity, medical facilities etc.
Instructional farms
- Instructional farms are essential to give practical field exposure to the students. The institute consist of four institutional farms viz., Orchard crops (5.00 ha), Nurseries (1 ha), High Density Planting (1.0 ha) and Vegetable & Flower crop cultivation (1.5 ha). These units are used for practical training of the students in different horticultural technologies.
Protected Structures
- The farm consists of mist chamber (300 m2) and shade net houses (2000 m2 and 440 m2). These structures are used for training the students and farmers on production of planting materials of different horticultural crops and Hi-tech vegetable cultivation.
Laboratories & Demonstration Units
- Well Established soil testing laboratory & bio fertilizer laboratory.
- Well established Demonstration units in Seed Production unit, Vermicopmpost, Sericulture, Mushroom, Azolla, Apiculture and Poultry
Contact Details
Shri. Bandi Venkateswara Rao,
Vice Principal
Dr. Ganta Gopal Reddy Horticultural Polytechnic, Gaddipally
(Sri Aurobindo Institute of Rural Development)
Affliated To Sree Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University (SKLTSHU), Mulugu.
Phone No – 9441025030
Mail id – ggrhortipolytechnic@gmail.com
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