Watershed Project

Development of Watershed


The work done by SAIRD-KVK on water shed development was acclaimed by Nalgonda authorities by awarding Best Water Shed Award in 1998. The staff members working for the water shed were also awarded with cash and citations for their contribution in social forestry in the district.

Creation of Water Resources

Concerted efforts were made to create water resources by harvesting rain water on open structures such as tanks and ponds, and sea page water in dug wells and bore wells. Data presented in table show the number of wells and tanks/ponds which were existing before and after development of the 27 water sheds in an area of 14108.34 ha. Bore wells (254 No.), dug wells (236 No.) and tanks (132 No.) were constructed, in addition to 68 ponds.


A total of 1163 small, 758 marginal and 347 other category farmers were benefitted by the water sheds in Penpahad mandal. Similarly 594 small, 579 marginal and 177 other category farmers in Mothey mandal and 569 small, 185 marginal and 754 other category farmers were benefitted in Thungathurthy mandal. Total number of farmers thus benefitted with increased acerage and area under cultivation was 5126 ha in the 27 water sheds. It was estimated that an additional cumulative income of 16,32,000 per annum were accrued to small and marginal farmers, besides generation of 198860.

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Watershed management